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Adobe acrobat standard dc merge pdfs free

Click Add Files or drag and drop them into the window. Rearrange your files if necessary and choose your output settings.
Adobe acrobat standard dc merge pdfs free
This tutorial walks through all the steps to combine files. Plus, the bonus section at the end shows how to organize and delete pages after combining the files. However, the original file will not be affected. This tutorial is available as a YouTube video showing all the steps in real time.
Watch more than other writing-related software tutorials on my YouTube channel. Pro Tip: You can select multiple files within the same folder by pressing the Ctrl key while selecting additional files. You can also reorder the pages by dragging them into a different position within the expanded view. After combining and organizing your pages, you can add page numbers to further unify the PDF. Double-click the file to expand the pages. Figure 8.
Expanded view of files to be combined Select pages you want to remove and then select the Delete button. Figure 9. Delete button in the expanded view You can also reorder the pages by dragging them into a different position within the expanded view.
Select the Collapse button when you are finished deleting or reordering pages. Figure Collapse button. Email: erin erinwrightwriting.