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Ultimaker 3 feeder cleaning free

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[Ultimaker 3 feeder cleaning free
Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options SandervG 1, Posted February 20, Picture coming. More testing. Dim3nsioneer Posted February 20, If not done already, check if the Bowden tube is mounted the correct way round.
LePaul Posted February 21, I\’ve been working with Erin over to support on this. I reloading the PVA and it was trickling out of the hot end. Still working through some ideas. PVA is tricky With the cover off, we can see how it should work. LePaul Posted February 24, Perfect, thanks! Hi LePaul , Your post is very interesting.
We are using Ultimaker natural PVA kept in the provision store. Have you found a solution for this issue? But after a few prints it got back to a clogged head i. SandervG 1, Posted September 9, I\’ll let know if this helped or not.
Default profile is what we are using currently. So, Thanks for all your guidances, I do have some threads I can try before reverting to you. Step by step, I will first continue with the BB 0.
Then, go back to BB 0. If it does not work, redo the process after having ordered the metal blades. LePaul Posted September 9, Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. Register a new account. Sign in Already have an account? The screw is often the first to be turned if the printer is not extruding enough.
But actually, this is pretty much the last step in the printing process to eliminate problems. From this you can deduce if the printing will work. It only happens on a large print, where there is lots of long distance movement of the print head. A few points that make life easier in the beginning.
At some point you get an eye for it. But only if you actually look at it. Is your issue fixed? I\’m having issues with PVA doing that exact thing. I\’ve tried the print core and bowden tube cleaning. I\’ve tried cleaning the feeder gear and applying more tension on the filament. All have failed to produce results. I\’m starting to think it\’s the retraction as well. This I will investigate settings and see what happens.
I would have expected Ultimaker to fix this in their profiles for these expensive materials Already have an account? Sign in here. SandervG posted a topic in Official news , February 9, Share More sharing options Followers 2. Recommended Posts. Any Ideas please. Other Resources.
Contact Us. General Inquiry. Request a Quote. Technical Support. News Articles Tutorials. Recent Articles. I don\’t know what\’s messing up that extruder but it\’s clean, no debris I know PVA is tricky and brittle, but no matter how much we change the tensioner, it\’s grinding and again, that feed from extruder to bowden seems compromised. Have others had issues with their feeders? I thought I would inquire with the community while awaiting a response. I spend a lot of effort promoting the ease of use of Ultimaker at work.
I\’m pretty red faced. Hi LePaul , thank you for your message and for lobbying for the Ultimaker S5! Printer one only has troubles with PVA, or also other materials? Do you preserve the PVA in anyway, either prior or during printing? Printer two; did you try different types of filament? Could you perhaps share a picture of your feeder, potentially with the cover off if you mention you had it off before?
I\’m not sure what I would be looking for, but perhaps something catches our eye. One has only tried PVA that came with the printer.
It\’s working now Not the normal process. Again, only new filament I think one thing I found is the collet piece holding the bowden into the extruder has some play. So there may be some misalignment there causing friction. I cleaned out some more debris before putting it all back. Well, as soon as I had it back together, it\’s a struggle to get that filament to slide into the extruder. Back to where I started. Can you push the filament so far into the Bowden tube that you see about 5cm of it? I always load it that way, then you don\’t have to wait funtil it comes out of the print core.
Same here. It can take several shoves to finally get it in there. But that leads to the failure and grinding. I personally always cut a point on the end of my filament when i load it, it makes it so much more easy to load than a flat end. So i would dry it out 65C for hour should do it and then put it in a polybox or some other airtight system, even when in use. The second came out clean.
Ultimaker 3 – Ultimaker 3D printers – Ultimaker Community of 3D Printing Experts
I have ultimaker 2+ & facing the problem of material grinding..i have tried fixing the tension in higher, lower & middle but didn\’t helped. Only use grease on the lead screw of the Z motor. Clean the feeders. The feeders forward filament to the print head. To make sure that exactly the right.